Our Statement of Faith
Our Motto:
Know God, Serve God, Obey God
Our Mission Statement:
Impacting our community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
Our Faith Statement:
We affirm our belief in historic Christianity as sufficiently revealed in the Scriptures and summarized in the three Ancient Creeds of the Universal Church (the Apostles’, the Nicene, and the Athanasian) and the Thirty-Nine Articles. We recognize the need today for reaffirming the following beliefs:
ARTICLE I: The Holy Trinity: The mystery of the Holy Trinity, namely, that the one God exists eternally in the three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit; and has so revealed himself to us in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
ARTICLE II: The Lord Jesus Christ: The full deity and full humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, God Incarnate, who by reason of his birth of the Virgin Mary, sinless life, atoning death, bodily resurrection, glorious ascension, and triumphant reign, is the only Mediator between God and man.
ARTICLE III: The Holy Scriptures: The trustworthiness of the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments as “God’s Word written,” which contain all things necessary for salvation, teach God’s will for his world, and have supreme authority for faith, life and the continuous renewal and reform of the Church.
ARTICLE IV: Justification and Sanctification: The justification of the repenting and believing sinner as God’s gracious act of declaring him righteous on the ground of the reconciling death of Christ, who suffered in our place and rose again for us; and sanctification as the gracious continuing activity of the Holy Spirit in the justified believer, perfecting his repentance, nurturing the new life implanted within him, transforming him into Christ’s image, and enabling him to do good works in the world.
ARTICLE V: The Christian Church: The Church as the Body of Christ, whose members belong to Christ’s new humanity, are called to live in the world in the power of the Spirit, worshipping God, confessing his truth, proclaiming Christ, supporting one another in love and giving themselves in sacrificial service to those in need. Its great mission is to make disciples of all nations and peoples.
ARTICLE VI: Spiritual Gifts and Ministry All Christians are called to exercise their God-given gifts to work, witness, suffer for Christ, to make disciples and to share Christ’s love. The particular call of ordained ministers is to preach, teach and provide leadership and pastoral care to equip God's people for His service and present them mature in Christ.
ARTICLE VII: The Gospel Sacraments: The sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace given to us and ordained by Christ himself as means by which we receive such grace and pledges to assure us of it.
ARTICLE VIII: The Openness of the Lord’s Table: The Lord’s Table is the place where all baptized believers, being one in Christ, are free to celebrate their common salvation in the Lord, and to express their common devotion to his person and his service.
ARTICLE IX: The Return of Christ: The personal return in glory of our Lord Jesus Christ at the end of this age for the resurrection of the dead, some to life, some to condemnation, for the glorification of his Church, and for the renewal of the whole creation.
Some Contemporary Implications of the Gospel
The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ. While religions and philosophies of the world are not without elements of the truth, Jesus Christ alone is the full revelation of God, who through the Gospel judges and corrects all views and doctrines. All persons everywhere need to learn of Him, come to know and believe in Him, and receive forgiveness and new life in Him as there is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved.
Church and Society. Biblical social commandments and Christian ethical principles are foundational to the well-being of every society. Recognizing the call of Christians to be faithful witnesses and a challenging presence in society, we are committed to seek ways to express these commandments and principles in all spheres of life, including the public life of the nation.
Sanctity of Life. All human life is a sacred gift from God and is to be protected and defended from conception to natural death. We will uphold the sanctity of life and bring the grace and compassion of Christ to those who face the realities of previous abortion, unwanted pregnancy and end-of-life illness.
Fellowship. In grateful response to Christ Jesus, in whom there is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, we will extend the welcome of the church to every man, woman and child regardless of race, social or economic status, sexual history or past behavior. We will oppose prejudice in ourselves and others and recognize that all have sinned and need to repent.
Marriage, Family, and the Single Life. God has instituted marriage to be a life-long union of husband and wife (genetically male and genetically female), intended for their mutual joy, help and comfort; for the procreation and nurture of godly children; and for the blessing of society. Divorce is always contrary to God's original intention, though in a fallen world it is sometimes an all-too-frequent and tragic reality. The roles of father and mother, exercised in a variety of ways, are God-given and profoundly important since they are the chief providers of moral instruction and godly living. The single life, either by call or circumstance, is honored by God. It is therefore important for unmarried persons to embrace and be embraced by the Christian family.
Human Sexuality. Sexuality is inherent in God's creation of human beings in his image as male and female. All Christians are called to chastity: husbands and wives by exclusive sexual fidelity to one another, and single persons by abstinence from sexual activity. God intends and enables all people to live within these boundaries, with the help and in the fellowship of the Church.
What We Believe:
We believe God is perfectly good and loves us perfectly. God made us in his image which includes free will. In our free will we follow our own desires rather than God’s. Our choices which oppose God's desires is given a name: sin.
We are meant to live in God's perfection; He will not live in our sin. As a result we live in a world that is separated from God, broken and ultimately dying. But God loves us so much that he desires to restore us into his perfect goodness, that we may live eternally with Him. Jesus Christ is the means by which we are reconciled, made right, with God.
Through our choice, sin and death rule this world. Nevertheless, we are given the right to choose God and eternal life through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Church has one ultimate purpose: The Church is to tell the world about Jesus and what it means to “choose Jesus”.
Reconciliation Church exists to share THE Truth of Jesus Christ, as revealed in the Scriptures, with anyone who has questions or seeks God, AND to assist anyone that “chooses Jesus” to grow in faith and relationship with our God.
Know God, Serve God, Obey God